Søk etter egenskap
This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- Anbyder + (tenderer)
- Strekkstagplatform + (tension-leg platform)
- Termolekylær reaksjon + (termolecular reaction)
- Termosfære + (termosphere)
- Terpolymer + (terpolymer)
- Terrestrisk miljø + (terrestrial environment)
- Steinplanet + (terrestrial planet)
- Tertiær alkohol + (tertiary alcohol)
- Tertiært amin + (tertiary amine)
- Tertiært karbokation + (tertiary carbocation)
- Tertiært karbonatom + (tertiary carbon atom)
- Tertiær forbindelse + (tertiary compound)
- Tertiært halogenid + (tertiary halide)
- Tertiærstruktur + (tertiary structure)
- Tetradentat ligand + (tetradentate ligand)
- Tetraedervinkel + (tetrahedral angle)
- Tekstjustering + (text alignment)
- Tekstdatabase + (text database)
- Tekstformatering + (text formatting)
- Trafikverket (i Finland) + (the Finnish Transport Agency)
- Datatilsynet + (the Norwegian Data Protection Authority)
- Trafikverket (i Sverige) + (the Swedish Transport Administration)
- Universet + (the Universe)
- Det antropiske prinsipp + (the anthropic principle)
- Innholdskravet + (the content requirement)
- Den kosmologiske konstanten + (the cosmological constant)
- Det kosmologiske prinsipp + (the cosmological principle)
- Minimalismeprogrammet + (the minimalist program)
- Det observerbare universet + (the observable universe)
- Nullvekstmålet + (the zero-growth target)
- Tema + (theme)
- Tilrettelagt teoriprøve + (theory test for special needs candidates)
- Terapeutisk kloning + (therapeutic cloning)
- Termalvindligning + (thermal wind equation)
- Termoklin + (thermocline)
- Termohalin sirkulasjon + (thermohaline circulation)
- Termokarst + (thermokarst)
- Termoplast + (thermoplastic)
- Herdeplast + (thermoset plastic)
- Tynn klient + (thin client)
- Ting + (thing)
- Tymin + (thymine)
- Tidsbegrenset program + (time limited)
- Rutetabell + (timetable)
- Vippepunkt + (tipping point)
- Titer + (titer)
- Titrand + (titrand)
- Titrering + (titration)
- Titrerkurve + (titration curve)
- Titrerfeil + (titration error)
- Bestille time (til oppkjøring) + (to book a session (for a driving test))
- Annullere + (to cancel)
- Blende (noen) + (to dazzle (someone))
- Avregistrere + (to deregister a vehicle)
- Blende ned + (to dip the headlights)
- Anmelde + (to file a complaint (with the police) against somebody)
- Utstede + (to issue (a document))
- Fradele + (to partition off)
- Bestå (en prøve) + (to pass (a test))
- Etterfylle + (to refill)
- Avskilte et kjøretøy + (to remove the number plates from a vehicle)
- Prøvekjøre + (to test drive)
- Bompenger + (toll)
- Bomveg + (toll road)
- Bompengeselskap + (toll road company)
- Utsteder (AutoPASS-) + (toll service provider)
- Utstedervirksomhet + (toll service provision)
- Bomstasjon + (toll station)
- Toluen + (toluene)
- Tonn (metrisk) + (tonne)
- Tonnkilometer + (tonne-kilometre(s))
- Verktøykasse + (tool box)
- Verktøylinje + (toolbar)
- Dreiemoment + (torque)
- Totale eierkostnader + (total cost of ownership)
- Trykkskjerm + (touch screen)
- Kontaktfølsom skjerm + (touch screen)
- Turistinformasjon + (tourist information)
- Tilhengerfeste + (towbar)
- Slepetau + (towing-rope)
- Giftig + (toxic)
- Spor + (trace)
- Sporstoff + (tracer)
- Trekkvogn + (tractor unit for semi-trailer)
- Vogntog + (tractor-trailer vehicle combination)
- Kvotehandelsystem + (tradable quota system)
- Årsprøvekjennemerke + (trade licence plate)
- Trafikkulykke + (traffic accident)
- Trafikk-kjegle + (traffic cone)
- Framkommelighet + (traffic flow)
- Trafikkhendelse + (traffic incident)
- Vegmelding + (traffic information)
- Trafikkmelding + (traffic information)
- Trafikkork + (traffic jam)
- Trafikkforvaltning + (traffic management)
- Trafikkovervåkning + (traffic monitoring)
- Trafikkregulering + (traffic operation)
- Styring og regulering av trafikk + (traffic operation and control)
- Trafikkarbeid + (traffic performance)
- Trafikale problemer + (traffic problems)