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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- ASCII-fil + (ASCII file)
- Ulykkesanalysegruppe + (Accident Analysis Group)
- Havarikommisjonen + (Accident Investigaton Board Norway)
- Bilansvarsloven + (Act relating to compensation for injury caused by a motor vehicle)
- Naturmangfoldloven + (Act relating to the management of biological, geological and landscape diversity)
- Brann- og eksplosjonsvernloven + (Act relating to the prevention of fire, explosion and accidents involving hazardous substances and the fire service)
- Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT + (Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi))
- Tvetydighet + (Ambiguity)
- Forankringshall + (Anchorage hall)
- Engelsk syke + (Anglification)
- Oppbygningsprinsippet + (Aufbau principle)
- AutoPASS-avtale + (AutoPASS user agreement)
- Avogadrokonstanten + (Avogadro constant)
- Avogadros lov + (Avogadro's law)
- Baeyer-Villiger-reaksjon + (Baeyer-Villiger reaction)
- Bøyeliste + (Bar Bending Schedule)
- Trafikalt grunnkurs + (Basic Traffic Course)
- Beckmann-omleiring + (Beckmann rearrangement)
- Det store smellet + (Big Bang)
- Kosmisk nukleosyntese + (Big Bang nucleosynthesis)
- Teorien om det store smellet + (Big Bang theory)
- Kosmisk kollaps + (Big Crunch)
- BitTorrent + (BitTorrent)
- Sprengning pågår + (Blasting in progress)
- Bluetooth + (Bluetooth)
- Boolsk algebra + (Boolean algebra)
- BootEasy + (BootEasy)
- Boyles lov + (Boyle's Law)
- Brønstedsyre + (Brønsted acid)
- Brønstedbase + (Brønsted base)
- Bt-plante + (Bt-plant)
- Business Software Alliance + (Business Software Alliance)
- DAP + (CAM)
- CGS-system + (CGS system)
- CMR-fraktbrev + (CMR waybill)
- CRISPR-metode + (CRISPR technology)
- Kundestyring + (CRM)
- Bilderørskjerm + (CRT monitor, CRT display)
- Chan-Ingold-Prelog-sekvensregler + (Cahn-Ingold-Prelog sequence rules)
- PukkelOrd + (CamelCase)
- CSS + (Cascading Style Sheets)
- Gjennomgripende stilark + (Cascading Style Sheets)
- Region midt + (Central Region)
- Motorvognregisteret + (Central Register of Motor Vehicles)
- Samsvarssertifikat + (Certificate of Conformity)
- Kompetansebevis for utrykningsfører + (Certificate of Professional Competence for Drivers of Emergency Vehicles)
- Charles' lov + (Charles' law)
- Claisen-kondensasjonsreaksjon + (Claisen condensation reaction)
- Den grønne utviklingsmekanismen + (Clean Development Mechanism)
- Kognitiv lingvistikk + (Cognitive Linguistics)
- Kommunikasjonsstab + (Communications)
- Fellesskapstillatelse + (Community licence)
- Konseptvalgutredning + (Concept Study)
- Bekreftelse på navneendring + (Confirmation of change of name)
- Byggherreforskriften + (Construction Client Regulations)
- Kontakt- og reservasjonsregisteret + (Contact and Opt-out Register)
- Control-alt-delete + (Control-alt-delete)
- Cope-omleiring + (Cope rearrangement)
- Det kopernikanske prinsipp + (Copernican principle)
- Corioliskraft + (Coriolis force)
- Fylkesmann + (County Governor)
- Statsforvalter + (County Governor)
- Fylkesveg + (County Road)
- D-nummer + (D number)
- DNA + (DNA)
- DNA-polymerase + (DNA polymerase)
- DNA-profil + (DNA profile)
- DNA-profilering + (DNA profiling)
- DNA-reparasjon + (DNA repair)
- DNA-replikasjon + (DNA replication)
- DNA-replikasjonsgaffel + (DNA replication fork)
- DNA-segment + (DNA segment)
- DNA-sekvens + (DNA sequence)
- DNA-sekvensering + (DNA sequencing)
- DNA-tråd + (DNA strand)
- DNA-vaksine + (DNA vaccine)
- Daltons atomteori + (Dalton's atomic theory)
- Daltons lov om partialtrykk + (Dalton's law of partial pressures)
- Dansgaard-Oeschger-hendelse + (Dansgaard–Oeschger event)
- Personvernkonsekvensutredning + (Data Protection Impact Assessment)
- Debye-kraft + (Debye force)
- Totalentreprise + (Design-Build contract)
- Dess-Martin-oksidasjon + (Dess-Martin periodinane reaction)
- Dewar-struktur + (Dewar structure)
- Diels-Alder-reaksjon + (Diels-Alder reaction)
- Direktør + (Director)
- Vegdirektør + (Director General (of the NPRA))
- Styringsstab + (Director General's Staff)
- Direktoratet for nødkommunikasjon + (Directorate of Emergency Communication)
- Vegdirektoratet + (Directorate of Public Roads)
- Dopplereffekt + (Doppler effect)
- Trafikkstasjon + (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Office)
- Varige konstruksjoner + (Durable Structures)
- EØS + (EEA)
- EETS-forskriften + (EETS Regulations)
- EETS-utsteder + (EETS provider)
- Jordsystemmodell + (Earth System Model)
- Region øst + (Eastern Region)
- Ekmanpumping + (Ekman pumping)
- El niño + (El Niño)
- El niño-sørlig svingning + (El Niño-Southern Oscillation)
- Slutt på + (End of)
- OSS + (FAQ)
- FTP-klient + (FTP-client)
- Fajanstitrering + (Fajans titration)
- Fehlings test + (Fehling's test)
- Ferrelcelle + (Ferrel cell)
- Fischer-indolsyntese + (Fischer indole synthesis)
- Offentleglova + (Freedom of Information Act)
- Friedel-Crafts-alkylering + (Fridel-Crafts alkylation)
- Friedel-Crafts-acylering + (Friedel-Crafts acylation)
- Friedel-Crafts-reaksjon + (Friedel–Crafts reaction)
- GPS + (GPS)
- Gay-Lussacs lov + (Gay-Lussac's law of combining volumes)
- Personvernforordningen + (General Data Protection Regulation)
- Vikeplikt overfor møtende kjørende + (Give way to oncoming traffic)
- Globalt oppvarmingspotensial + (Global Warming Potential)
- Løyve for godstransport + (Goods Vehicle Operator's Licence)
- Stigningsgrad + (Gradient (of slope))
- Miljøpakken + (Greener Trondheim)
- Grignardreaksjon + (Grignard reaction)
- Grignardreagens + (Grignard reagent)
- Grignardsyntese + (Grignard synthesis)
- Grubbs katalysator + (Grubbs catalyst)
- HR og HMS + (HR and HMS)
- HMS + (HSE)
- HMS-rådgiver + (HSE adviser)
- Haber-Bosch-prosessen + (Haber-Bosch process)
- Hadleycelle + (Hadley cell)
- Hantzschs pyridinsyntese + (Hantzsch pyridine synthesis)
- Hantzsch–Widman-systemet + (Hantzsch–Widman nomenclature)
- Avdelingsdirektør + (Head of Department)
- Seksjonsleder + (Head of Section)
- Heck-reaksjon + (Heck reaction)
- Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky-reaksjon + (Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction)
- Det humane genomprosjektet + (Human Genome Project)
- Hunds regel + (Hund's rule)
- Hydrogencyanid + (Hydrogen cyanide)
- Hückels regel + (Hückel's rule)
- IKT-avdelingen + (ICT Department)
- ID-tyveri + (ID theft)
- ISDN + (ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network))
- Datakonsulent + (IT-consultant)
- Forsikringsavtaleloven + (Insurance Contracts Act)
- Intelligent fartstilpasning + (Intelligent Speed Adaptation)
- Intelligente transportsystemer + (Intelligent Transport Systems)
- Internrevisjon + (Internal Auditing)
- Internkontrollforskriften + (Internal Control Regulations)
- Internasjonal stab + (International Activities)
- ISO + (International Organization for Standardization)
- Internett + (Internet)
- Internett Relay Chat + (Internet Relay Chat)
- Java + (Java)
- Java-applet + (Java-applet)
- Skjønnsprosessloven + (Judicial Assessment Act)
- K-seleksjon + (K selection)
- Påbudt kjørefelt til høyre/venstre + (Keep right/left)
- Keesom-interaksjon + (Keesom interaction)
- Kjeldahls metode + (Kjeldahl method)
- LED-skjerm + (LED display)
- La niña + (La Niña)
- Grunnboken + (Land Registry)
- Siste istids maksimum + (Last Glacial Maximum)
- Lov om bygging og drift av elektriske anlegg + (Law regarding construction and operation of electrical installations)
- Le Châtelier-prinsipp + (Le Chatelier's principle)
- Juridisk + (Legal Services)
- Juridisk og anskaffelser + (Legal Services and Procurement)
- Myndighet og regelverk + (Legislation and Regulatory Authority)
- Lewissyre + (Lewis acid)
- Lewisbase + (Lewis base)
- Lewis-struktur + (Lewis structure)
- Lewis-symbol + (Lewis symbol)
- Førerkort- og kjøretøytjenester + (Licensing and Registration Services)
- Flytende krystallskjerm + (Liquid crystal display)
- LCD-skjerm + (Liquid crystal display)
- Belastningskode + (Load Index)
- Kommuneloven + (Local Government Act)
- Londons dispersjonskraft + (London dispersion force)
- Tapsmelding + (Loss Notification form)
- MP3 + (MP3)
- Markovnikovs addisjonsreaksjon + (Markovnikov addition reaction)
- Markovnikovs produkt + (Markovnikov product)
- Markovnikovs regel + (Markovnikov’s rule)
- Tusenårsmålene + (Millenium Development Goals)
- Normallading + (Mode 3 charging)
- Mohrtitrering + (Mohrs titration)
- Montrealprotokollen + (Montreal Protocol)
- Biltilsynet + (Motor Vehicle and Driving Licence Inspectorate)
- Retningslinjer + (NPRA Guidelines)
- Veiledninger + (NPRA Guidelines)
- Håndbok + (NPRA Manual)
- Regionvegkontor + (NPRA Regional Office)
- Normaler + (NPRA Specifications)
- Riksveg + (National Road)
- Neogen + (Neogene)
- Newman-projeksjon + (Newman projection)
- Vendingsforbud + (No U-turn)
- Totalvektgrense + (No goods vehicles over maximum gross weight shown in tonnes)
- Forbudt for motorvogn + (No motor vehicles)
- Svingeforbud til høyre + (No right/left turn)